I got this stored procedure I'm running that inserts data from one table to another, but it keeps telling me that I'm violating the primary key rule which means one those records or 12 for all I know, already exsist in the other table. How do I add a IF ALREADY EXSIST CLAUSE TO MY STORED PROCEDURE, is that the correct word for it?? I'll look it up also. Heres the stored procedure I have so far.
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.[2003_CorovanInsert]
AS INSERT INTO dbo.Corovan_Table
([TM #], FirstName, LastName, [SS #], TerminationDate)
SELECT [TM #], FirstName, LastName, SocialSecurityNumber, TerminationDate
WHERE (TerminationDate BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '2003-01-01 00:00:00', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '2003-12-31 00:00:00', 102))
GOYou are almost there. Try this (it will need a little bit of work from you, but you should get it quickly)
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.[2003_CorovanInsert]
AS INSERT INTO dbo.Corovan_Table
([TM #], FirstName, LastName, [SS #], TerminationDate)
SELECT [TM #], FirstName, LastName, SocialSecurityNumber, TerminationDate
FROM dbo.[2003 TERMINATIONS] left join dbo.Corovan_Table on dbo.Corovan_Table.(primary key field) = dbo.[2003 TERMINATIONS].(primary key field)
WHERE (TerminationDate BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '2003-01-01 00:00:00', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '2003-12-31 00:00:00', 102))
and dbo.corovan_table.(primary key field) is null
You will have to supply the (primary key field)'s. Hope this helps.|||ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.[2003_CorovanInsert]
AS INSERT INTO dbo.Corovan_Table
([TM #], FirstName, LastName, [SS #], TerminationDate)
SELECT [TM #], FirstName, LastName, SocialSecurityNumber, TerminationDate
FROM dbo.[2003 TERMINATIONS] left join dbo.Corovan_Table on dbo.Corovan_Table.(primary key field) = dbo.[2003 TERMINATIONS].(primary key field)
WHERE (TerminationDate BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '2003-01-01 00:00:00', 102) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '2003-12-31 00:00:00', 102))
and not exists (select <primary key field> from dbo.corovan_table)Go|||Problem solved guys thanks so much for your help, I sure do appreciate it, was struggling with that all day. At least it was a nice learning experience for me.
Thanks guys :)|||Hi guys its me again I'm having problems with my stored procedure again it executes as long as theres no primary key rule violations. But there is a violation Of the primary key because the the stored procedure was executed yesterday, but today I have discovered that since this is based on the 2003 terms date not all the 2003 terms were dated as 2003 (user error) so now I need to edit the stored procedure, which of course I'm not doing correctly.
Help? Again Please
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.[03Corovans]
AS INSERT INTO dbo.Corovan_Table
([TM #], FirstName, LastName, [SS #], TerminationDate)
SELECT [TM #], FirstName, LastName, SocialSecurityNumber, TerminationDate
FROM dbo.[03TermsWithoutMatchingCorovan]
and not exists (select <TM #> from dbo.Corovan_table)Go|||Oh good Grief Never mind I looked at the script again and did the necessary corrections now it works just fine. AND I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT
SORRY GUYS|||I'm so ashamed and embarrassed.....DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas and
Happy Holidays everyone|||AND I FEEL LIKE AN IDIOTDoes that mean "with your hands" ?
-PatP|||That means with my hands and My SO CALLED BRAIN|||Did that answer your question Pat or did I miss the point??|||Did that answer your question Pat or did I miss the point??You are assuming that my questions have a point... Not everyone would jump on that bus!
Yes, an idiot normally feels things with their hands, so if you are "feeling like an idiot", I'd assume that you were wandering about with a goofy expression, putting your hands on everything you could.
Nevermind... I never claimed that it made any sense, I just found it humorous!
-PatP|||You know Pat I know alot of people with very High IQ's who have a simular sense of humor as yourself, so I should have known better. Next time I'll just let that bus go right by me. :)
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