Friday, February 24, 2012

Application Event ID 17177

I periodically get the following information from the
application event log:

>This instance of SQL Server has been using a process id
>of 204 since 1/15/04 8:36:46 PM (local) 1/16/04 3:36:46
>AM (UTC).

Why is this generated? What is the significance of this
information?This is an informational message and can be ignored.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"Gary Brunton" <> wrote in message

> I periodically get the following information from the
> application event log:
> Why is this generated? What is the significance of this
> information?
|||We have a client who is getting the same error except it says a different pr
ocess id. The problem is it is showing up at 12:00 every night when sql ser
ver is supposed to backup to the Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Backup folder.
When I view the dat files i
n the directory they are from November, needless to say not current. When I
am in the SQL enterprise manager under management- sql server agent-jobs, I
can see the separate jobs and when I look at the properties they are schedu
led for daily @. 12:00 am.
Why am I not getting updated files in the backup folder? Ntbackup is runni
ng nightly with no errors and is backing up all sql database files along wit
h this MSSQL\Backup folder but the files in it are not current. Ntbackup is
backing up to 4mmtape. An
y help guys would be greatly appreciated.

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