We're having a bit of a problem getting Integrated Security to work with a .Net 2.0 application and SQL 2005. While we're tweaking permissions on the SQL-side, we came across an account "Application Login" and wondered what its role is. First, our problem:
Currently, the users in the AD group get a connection error. This group is defined as follows at the instance level:
role: public
user mapping: to the database without any default schema
securables: none
status: grant and enabled
At the database security level:
general: none
securables: execute on all (100+) stored procedures
And we gave them "Execute" on the database itself.
A little background: we had detached and copied this database from one server to another. So we suspect that the Application Login may have been modified/corrupted, even though it appears to be identical between the original and the copied databases. So we redefined it on the copied DB to match the original.
Another group, which is defined as dbo on the database, has no problem at all connecting and running the application.
The Application Login has Execute permissions on all stored procedures and Delete, Insert, Select, Update, and View Definition on the ChangeLog table. It also has db_DataReader, db_DataWriter, and db_ddlAdmin roles associated with it.
Is there another SQL login required for initial connection to the database even though Integrated Security=SSPI is used in the connection string?
Does anyone see where we may be missing a security setting for the non-dbo user group to connect to the database?
Thanks very much for any suggestions, ideas ....
Okay, it looks like granting Execute to the database itself has resolved the connection issue.
Have a good day everyone!
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