Saturday, February 25, 2012

Application goes slow or not responding after few transaction

Dear all viewer ,

Thanks to everyone.

We are using -
MSSQL Server 2000 on windows 2000 advanced server.
PB 7.0 for client server front end tools.

Prior to few days our application works fine, rightnow it get slow or not responding after few (4/5) transaction. We don't know wht it is, If anyone has same experience so that is helpfull for us.


R.MallMonitor your activity with SQL Profiler.|||Thanks for reply

How I can do it? Can you give me step by step methods?

R.Mall|||SELECT Profiler
FROM BooksOnline


SELECT Consultant
FROM YellowPages|||Thanks for right suggession, I will do it.

Thanks|||I wonder if he actually did that? :)

You can also find information about running Profiler from:
SQL Server 2000 Performance Tuning Technical Manual (Microsoft Press)

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