Sunday, February 19, 2012

Appending a Field

I know this must be simple, but I am stumpted, please help!

I am writing a stored procedure in SQL 2000 where an incomming variable is a string of characters (a couple of sentences) and I want to add that to the existing string of characters in a table field called "Comments".

I do not know how to append the text in a field. How is that best done?

The basic function of the procedure is to take whatever string is passed to it and append it to the current contents of the field "Comments". As the procedure is ran over and over again, the field is constantly appended with the incomming text.

What is the best way to do this? Can anyone give me an example?This one should be quite easy:

UPDATE table SET Filed = Field + @.Value WHERE ID = @.ID|||Thank you very much!

It is working now.

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