Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Application Role

after i create the application role, how do i make the application use this
in other words , how do i assign the application to this role '
Do you mean how to activate the application role within VB aplication?
"maidoo" <> wrote in message
> after i create the application role, how do i make the application use
> role
> in other words , how do i assign the application to this role '
> --
> regards
> Maidoo.
>|||actually, i don't know the step taken after creating this role , do i
activate it from the application, or there's something in the SQl Server
that let me assign this role to an application (exe file or something
like that )
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Yes , you will have to activate it from the application.
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim strConnect As String
Dim db_username As ADODB.Recordset
Dim ss As String
Dim pp As String, toto As String
pp = "pp"
toto = "toto"
Set cnAdo = New ADODB.Connection
strConnect = "driver={SQL
cnAdo.Provider = "SQLOLEDB"
cnAdo.ConnectionString = strConnect
cnAdo.CommandTimeout = 30 '10
cnAdo.CursorLocation = adUseServer
cnAdo.Mode = adModeRead
' user_appl_role and user_appl_pwd are corect
cnAdo.Execute "EXEC sp_setapprole '" & pp & " ', '" & toto & "'"
Set db_username = New Recordset
sqlcommand = "select user_name ()"
db_username.CursorType = adOpenKeyset
db_username.LockType = adLockReadOnly
db_username.Open sqlcommand, cnAdo
db_username_role = db_username.Fields.Item(0).Value
' the result of these select is the correct name of the application role
End Sub
"Maidoo oriky" <> wrote in message
> actually, i don't know the step taken after creating this role , do i
> activate it from the application, or there's something in the SQl Server
> that let me assign this role to an application (exe file or something
> like that )
> *** Sent via Developersdex ***
> Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!|||thnx 4 ur help
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Don't just participate in USENET...get rewarded for it!

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